


10 Januari 2012

Marketing Mix 4P

Tugas Sofskill Pertemuan ke-4
Nama   : Agung Fajar Nugraha
Kelas   : 4IA11
NPM   : 50408051

Pada tugas kali ini terlebih dahulu akan dijelaskan tentang apa itu Marketing Mix 4P. Marketing mix, atau lebih dikenal dengan marketing 4P merupakan  kombinasi dari product, price, place (distribution), and promotion. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini :

Dibawah ini adalah penjelasan tentang marketing 4P :

- Product 
Produk merupakan segala sesuatu yang dapat ditawarkan di pasar untuk memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. Produk terdiri atas barang, jasa, pengalaman, events, orang, tempat, kepemilikan, organisasi, informasi dan ide.

- Price
Jumlah uang yang harus dibayar oleh pelanggan untuk mendapatkan produk (nilai suatu barang yang dinyatakan dengan uang menurut buchari alma (2004:169)) Keputusan-keputusan mengenai harga mencakup tingkat harga, potongan harga, keringanan, periode pemasaran, dan rencana iklan yang dibuat oleh produsen.
- Place
Tempat/Lokasi sering pula disebut sebagai saluran distribusi yaitu suatu perangkat organisasi yang saling tergantung dalam penyedia suatu produk atau jasa untuk digunakan atau dikonsumsi oleh konsumen atau pengguna bisnis. “Tempat termasuk berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk membuat produk dapat diperoleh dan tersedia bagi pelanggan sasaran”.

- Promotion
Promosi pada dasarnya adalah bentuk komunikasi pemasaran. “Promosi meliputi semua kegiatan yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk mengkomunikasikan produknya kepada pasar sasaran”. Sebagaimana dikutip dari Fandy Tjiptono (1997:219), komunikasi pemasaran adalah aktivitas pemasaran yang berusaha menyebabkan informasi, mempengaruhi, membujuk dan atau meningkatkan pasar sasaran atau perusahaan dan produknya yang ada di pasar agar konsumen atau pelanggan bersedia menerima, membeli dan loyal kepada produk yang ditawarkan.

Untuk studi kasus, Marketing Mix 4P saya akan mengambil  contoh salah satu tempat bungee jumping yang terkenal di Bali yaitu AJ Hackett Bungy yang berada di Kuta Bali. Web AJ Hackett Bungy bisa di akses di

Sejarah :
Story of AJ Hackett Bungy:
Our Story
One of the great successes of our company’s around the world is the fact we have one hell of a legacy and story to tell. You may have seen or heard about how Bungy Jumping started or story’s on AJ the man through the media, you may have even been lucky enough to visit or ultimately try our experiences, if so you will know why we and millions of other people form all walks of life have a strange affiliation with what we do! If not then do yourself a favor and read on! 

AJ Hackett The Global Company - Our Great Story
How one man from New Zealand took bungy jumping to the world! 

From Humble Beginnings
AJ Hackett originally hails from New Zealand. Born in Pukekohe in 1958, AJ currently resides 6 months of the year in France and 6 months of the year in Gilly Trawangan – Indonesia.
AJ’s interest in Bungy Jumping and outdoor adventures was first captured when he came across a video of the “Oxford Dangerous Sports Club” jumping from bridges with rubber cords attached to their legs. After a little research he discovered that the idea had originally been copied from an ancient tribal ritual.
The ritual itself comes from a small village on the South Pentecost Island in Vanuatu. For centuries the villages have been jumping from towers made from trees with vines tied to their ankles. During the months of May and June, males of the tribe jump, trying to touch the ground with their heads to fertilise the soil, ensuring a good yam harvest and their passage into manhood. AJ has visited the village and been a spectator to this amazing ritual. AJ has also contributed financially to this village helping them buy land and bringing members of the tribe to Australia to view and try this modern day version called Bungy Jumping.
AJ spent a great deal of time in 1986, developing and experimenting with the first purpose built “Bungy Cord”. Engineers at Auckland University in New Zealand aided in the process, by putting the rubber through extensive stress and loading tests. Later that same year, he began doing test jumps off a number of bridges in the North Island, including the Auckland Harbor Bridge.
Eventually, AJ and friends left New Zealand to try their hand at bungy jumping in France. He jumped at a site called the Pont de la caille, a bridge spanning a 147m gorge, and later from a ski gondola in Tignes. At an altitude of nearly 3700m, AJ leapt from a height of 91 meters and touched down perfectly in the deep snow.
For AJ though, the ultimate goal was to jump from the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Being able to pull this jump off would bring him and the sport of Bungy Jumping worldwide recognition and possibly a criminal record! In June 1987, AJ Hackett gained global notoriety and introduced Bungy Jumping to the world when he illegally jumped 110m from the Eiffel Tower and landed in the history books and homes of millions of people around the world. This jump made him one of New Zealand’s most famous exports. The underground planning for this jump took 3 months and included decoy woman, synchronized watches, a light minded crew and plenty of Champaign. This story is a movie within itself and is elaborated on in much more detail in AJ’s book JUMP START
Now 20 years on and an international company, AJ continues to run and manage all aspects of the business and can be seen on all of our sites many times a year or at the airport getting to and from each country! AJ fly’s around the world approximately 6 times a year. As a global company we now operate many non bungy related adventure experience and challenge people and gravity 24/7. All our crew have a great deal of passion for what we do and many have been working for the company since its conception 20 years ago – Our roots run deep!
We currently operate in Australia, Indonesia, China, France and Germany… with many more sites due to open very soon – stay tuned!

Berikut ini adalah Marketing Mix 4P dari AJ Hackett Bungy:
Product & Price :
Bungy Jumping
No Bali experience is complete without a Bungy Jump from our magnificent tower. Hands down this jump spot is the most dramatic in the world. Situated inside the grounds of the famous Double Six Night Club. The 45m / 150ft tower was purpose built and includes an elevator to get to the top (so you can’t use the stairs as an excuse not to jump or check out the view!).
There are three options to jump, during the afternoon for amazing views out over the beaches and surf. Or sunset for the most picture perfect bungy photo you will ever get, or in the dark as you party away around the tower!
We offer a range of different jump styles including riding off the roof on a BMX push bike, jumping on firs (you have a firs suit!) or even a real motorcycle it’s our little tribute to the master “Evil Knievel”! 

Check out the other product pages for more information on each of the jump options.
Key Facts
Established: 1995
Height: 45m/150ft
Best known for: Picturesque sunset jumps, extreme moto and fireball jumps
Open: 7 days a week, Midday – 8pm. Every Friday & Saturday night 2am – 6am 

Regular Jump IDR990,000 Includes a free Bungy T-shirt, certificate, life time membership card and optional water touch

Tandem Jump IDR1,850,000 Includes 2 people jumping once together, 2 Bungy T-shirts, 2 certificates, lifetime membership cards and we always keep this jump dry (no water touches)

Harness Jump IDR1,300,000 Includes a free Bungy T-shirt, certificate, life time membership card and optional water touch
BMX-teme IDR1,600,000 Includes 3 Bungy jumps: Regular, Harness and the BMX-treme. Also includes jump T-shirt, certificate, membership card and a great story!
Moto Madness IDR2,250,000 Includes 4 Bungy jumps: Regular, Harness, BMX-treme and the Moto, certificate, membership card and total bragging rights forever!

FireBall IDR1,950,000 Includes 2 Regular Bungy jumps with deep water, preparing you for your 3rd and final jump, where you are lit on fire before jumping off!

All covered by insurance

Must be Minimum of 12 years old and or weigh 40 kgs
If under 12 years old you can jump, but only in tandem
Written parental authorization for under 18 years old

Medical conditions, which we need to be informed of before, you jump:    
High blood Pressure
Heart Conditions
Neurological Disorders 

Place :
Aj Hacket Bungy
Jalan Double Six, Kuta

Selain di Bali Indonesia, AJ Hackett Bungy juga terdapat di negara lain diantaranya Australia, Perancis, Jerman, Macau, New Zealand, dan Rusia.

Promotion :
Salah satu bentuk promosi AJ Hackett Bungy adalah Last minute deal. Dibawah ini adalah special deal untuk bulan Januari-Februari :
SPECIAL!  Grab two FREE Bintang beers from our bar with every purchase of a regular Bungy Jump between 12 and-3pm every day through Jan & Feb 2011.
That ought to quench ya thirst!

Sekian pembahasan Markting Mix 4P dari AJ Hackett Bungy untuk tugas kali ini. Bila ada kesalahan pengutipan mohon maaf. Wassalam..


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